Thongs, bikinis, swimsuits, beachwear


Welcome to SkimpyFash (Moda Playa MX) where you will find an extense collection of mexican and brazilian bikinis, thongs and beachwear available for retail and wholesale.

We are 100% at your service and we look forward to always be your first and best option, therefore our collection is continuosly upgraded to bring you the latest news from the fashion world. The models we offer are exclusive, high quality and fashion designed, the designs we carry are meant to be adventurous, bold, new all the way to classic and all of them follow the fashion tendencies, requests and suggestions of our customers.

Please if you have any doubt, suggestion or comment, contact us and let us serve you. 

"Nuestra casa es su casa".


Ordering and Contact

México Toluca Cuautla Cuernavaca Acapulco Guadalajara Monterrey Guanajuato Brasil Leon Ixtapan California Oaxaca piscina alberca 

swimingpool swimsuits